Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dil nahi lagta

Hindi and Punjabi are very emotional languages. 'Dil nahi lagta' is a very valid reason for being sad or uncomfortable in some place.
Literally it means, my heart is not 'settled' here. Odd, isn't it? But believe me another native user of the language will know exactly what is meant and how important it is.
One could just chuck up a lucrative job just because 'dil nahi lagta' in that place or locality, city or country.
I don't know if there is an equivalent term or feeling in other parts of the world. I somehow feel that Italians may have something along the same lines. they look emotional and there is much kissing and hugging there, the same as in Punjab.
Of course our knowledge of Italians is based on movies like 'The Godfather'.
For all we know it could be far removed from reality.
In any case ' dil nahi lagta', what to do.

Monday, April 2, 2012


My zodiac sign Cancer is classified under the element water. It does mean something. It makes me love water. I just realized it when I picked two photos out of scores and both had flowing water in the background.
The sea, the river, waterfalls and even the amrit sarovar make me feel serene, relaxed and at home.
I go into deep thought about the real meaning of life and how good it feels right then.
I love gurgling rivulets and want to stand and stare at the frothing water even though it makes me dizzy and at one with the fast moving water.
The other day in Haridwar, the fast flowing expanse of Ganga seemed endless and eternal. Sitting near it, I felt at one with it and could feel myself flowing with it. It was an almost trance like state.
May be I will do well to move to a place where I can walk by flowing water at will.
God knows how long one has to live on this earth. One may as well spend it on something that makes one feel at one with the earth and the universe.
Kal kya hoga kisko khabar.